Best Plant-Based Perks: Why a Green Diet is Good for You

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In a world where heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are more common, people are switching to plant-based diets. Why are they doing this? Because plant-based diets are known to improve health in many ways. We’ll look at the numerous advantages of focusing on unprocessed plant foods.

A plant-based diet means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It offers many health perks like lowering heart disease risks, aiding in weight management, and helping prevent diabetes. The evidence for these benefits is strong. So, why should you think about going plant-based?

First, it can lower the chance of heart problems. Research has linked plant-based eating to better blood pressure, cholesterol, and less inflammation, all important for a healthy heart.1 Evidence suggests it could cut the risk of heart disease by 16%, and the risk of fatal heart issues by 31%.1

Plant-based eating is also great for keeping a healthy weight. Studies show vegetarians and vegans often weigh less and have lower BMI than meat eaters.2 Plus, it helps you feel full longer, which might make it easier not to overeat.2

There are benefits for fighting and managing diabetes, too. Plant-based diets can reduce insulin resistance and are good for handling type 2 diabetes.2 One study saw a 34% lower type 2 diabetes risk in those on a quality best plant-based diet.1

Key Takeaways

  • Following a plant-based diet can lower your risk of heart problems, by improving blood pressure, cholesterol, and reducing inflammation.
  • It often leads to a lower weight and BMI, with the added bonus of helping you feel full.
  • Plant-based diets are effective in managing and preventing type 2 diabetes, thanks to reducing insulin resistance.
  • These diets may also help shield against some cancers, thanks to the antioxidants and phytochemicals in plant foods.
  • Choosing a plant-based diet can promote a healthier and more diverse gut microbiome, which has many benefits for health.

Introduction to Best Plant-Based Diets

Plant-based diets are becoming extremely popular. Many more folks are now choosing to eat mainly fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds.3 They do this for their health, to help the planet, and to be kind to animals.

Defining Best Plant-Based Diets

A plant-based diet focuses on plant foods and limits or removes animal products. It’s a broad term that covers many eating habits, not just vegan or vegetarian choices. You can choose from flexitarian to strict vegan diets.

Popularity and Mainstream Acceptance

People are turning to plant-based diets for many reasons. They care more about the environment and their well-being.4 In 2018, the U.S. plant-based market was worth $4.5 billion.4 This means there are more plant-based foods and choices out there.

More and more people are opting for plant-based eating worldwide. A review in 2020 showed that more are going vegan or vegetarian. This shift could lead to better health and help the planet.4

Type of Plant-Based Diet Description
Vegan A diet that excludes all animal products, including meat, dairy, and eggs.
Vegetarian A diet that excludes meat, poultry, and seafood but may include dairy and eggs.
Flexitarian A mostly plant-based plan that sometimes includes meat, dairy, or eggs.
Pescatarian This diet features plant foods and seafood, leaving out meat and poultry.

The trend of plant-based diets looks like it’s here to stay. It offers many benefits for health and our environment. More and more people are choosing these healthy and eco-friendly eating habits.

Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Many studies say a plant-based diet cuts the chances of cardiovascular disease. It mainly helps with blood pressure.

Lower Blood Pressure

Vegetarian diets are linked to less blood pressure levels in the Adventist Health Study-2.5 A low-fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and heart risk factors for those with type 2 diabetes.5

Improved Cholesterol Levels

A plant-based diet is good for cholesterol levels too. People reducing cardiovascular disease risk by 52% over 30 years ate mainly plant-based.6

Decreased Inflammation

Eating plant-based is linked to less inflammation than typical American diets for those with heart issues.5 More meat intake is tied to higher inflammatory markers, mostly because of fat.5

These study results show big perks for heart health from going plant-based. It helps lower blood pressure, better cholesterol, and cuts inflammation.

Weight Management and Obesity Prevention

Plant-based diet and weight

Choosing a plant-based diet links to a lighter body and lower obesity chances.7 Many studies say that vegetarians or vegans often have a lower BMI. This is than those eating all types of foods. Plant-based diets make keeping a healthy weight easier as well as losing weight.7 Together, big research studies show that eating this way helps cut the number of people who are overweight.7

Lower Body Weight and BMI

Those who eat mostly plants are less likely to become overweight or obese than meat-eaters.7 Experts suggest aiming to lose 5-10% of body weight is a good target. Studies back this idea.7 In fact, plant-based diets might help you lose more weight than low-carb diets. Studies on this suggest it’s true.7 Sadly, over 650 million people were obese and more than 1.9 billion were overweight across the globe in 2016.8 The U.S. saw a high obesity rate in 2017-18, at about 42.4% of adults.7 Among these figures, non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic adults stood out. They had the highest chances of being obese.7 Easy access to unhealthy, processed food is a key cause behind these high rates, especially in minority populations.7

Increased Satiety and Fullness

Eating lots of fiber from plants helps lower your risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.7 Being obese raises your chances of getting metabolic syndrome and heart issues.7 Also, being overweight or having diabetes can make infections and even death more likely. This hits harder on those with less money and people of color.7

Diabetes Prevention and Management

Best plant-based diet and diabetes

Plant-based diets can really help in fighting off and managing type 2 diabetes.9 They do this by making our bodies more sensitive to insulin, and cutting down on insulin resistance.910

Decreased Insulin Resistance

Studies show that a plant-based diet is great at lowering insulin resistance, which is a big issue in type 2 diabetes.10 Research in the US found that eating foods from plants cuts your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, for both men and women.10 The Rotterdam Study also found that plant-based diets relate to less insulin resistance, and fewer cases of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.10

Plant-Based Diets for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Not only for prevention, but plant-based diets work well in treating type 2 diabetes too. An in-depth study showed that eating legumes, part of a diet with a low glycemic index, helps control blood sugar and lower heart disease risks in diabetes patients.9 Also, a big review pointed out that plant-based diets are linked to a lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes.10

Plant-Based Diet Benefits for Diabetes Findings
Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes Going vegetarian cuts your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, for both men and women.10 It also shows that avoiding meat helps prevent diabetes.10
Improved glycemic control A diet low in glycemic foods, including legumes, improves blood sugar and heart health in people with type 2 diabetes.9
Lower rates of insulin resistance and prediabetes Choosing plant foods is linked with not only less insulin resistance, but also lower risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.10

plant-based diet and Cancer Risk Reduction

There’s more and more proof that a plant-based diet can lower cancer risk.11 This is because plants are full of good stuff like antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Antioxidants and Phytochemicals in Plant Foods

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plants contain powerful anti-cancer properties. These can fight harmful free radicals, stop cancer cell growth, and boost the body’s defenses.11 Eating more of these foods means a lower risk of cancers like breast, prostate, and colorectal.

Reduced Intake of Carcinogenic Compounds

Going plant-based also means you eat less cancer-causing stuff found in animal foods.11 Red and processed meats are often packed with such substances. By sticking to plants, you avoid them.

Notably,11 about 25% of cancer cases could be avoided just by eating right. This points to a plant-based diet as a strong cancer-risk fighter.

Diet Type Cancer Risk
Vegan Lowest cancer rates11
Vegetarian Next lowest cancer rates compared to other diets11
Omnivorous Higher cancer rates than plant-based diets

The facts speak volumes about the cancer-fighting benefits of a plant-based diet.11 By making plants the center of your diet, you can slash your cancer risk.

Promoting a Healthy Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome’s health is crucial for our well-being. Eating a lot of plants can help keep it diverse and healthy.12 Vegan and vegetarian diets are linked to less risk of some diseases. This is because they increase friendly bacteria and lower harmful ones. That’s thanks to the rich fiber, healthy fats, and proteins found in plants.12

Fiber and Gut Bacteria Diversity

Plant-based diets are full of fiber. This fiber feeds bacteria in our guts that produce helpful fatty acids.12 These fatty acids are important for our health. They can reduce inflammation and even help regulate our weight.12

Adding fiber to your diet is also great for your gut’s overall mix of bacteria. A study by Scott and others in 2008 showed how important this is for our gut’s health.13

Plant vs. Animal-Based Metabolites

Choosing plant foods can lower inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids from plants are especially good at this. They can help prevent heart diseases by reducing harmful cholesterol.12

Recent research also links healthier gut bacteria to less stiff arteries. This could mean a lower risk of heart problems.13

People on plant-based diets are less likely to get type 2 diabetes, as some studies show. This is because their diets help their gut bacteria stay healthy. That leads to less inflammation and a lower heart disease risk.12

Glick-Bauer and Yeh (2014) found vegan diets to be especially good for gut health. They show us how choosing plant foods benefits our intestines.13

Diet can greatly change the bacteria in our colon, as Zimmer and team showed in 2012. Different diets lead to different types of bacteria in our guts.13

Losasso and others (2018) looked at how vegan, vegetarian, and meat-eater diets affect gut bacteria. They found each diet has a unique effect on our microbial world.13

Eating certain grains can improve our immune system through our gut bacteria. This shows that individual food choices can directly impact gut health.13

Walnuts, for instance, can change our gut bacteria in a good way. Bamberger and others (2018) showed this in a controlled trial. That research illustrates how food can alter the types of bacteria in our guts.13

Kidney Health and Disease Prevention

Eating a plant-based diet helps keep your kidneys healthy and fights off kidney disease. This way of eating is good for your blood pressure and cuts the risk of diabetes. It also lowers the acid load and how much phosphorus your body absorbs. These are all linked to plant foods and help your kidneys.14

Lower Blood Pressure and Diabetes Risk

A plant-based diet is important for your kidneys because it tackles diabetes and high blood pressure.14 It does this by keeping your blood sugar in check and lowering high blood pressure. This reduces your chances of getting these health issues, which often lead to chronic kidney disease.15

Reduced Acid Load and Phosphorus Absorption

Another benefit of a plant-based diet for kidney health is the lower acid load and less phosphorus absorption. Too much acid and phosphorus can harm your kidneys, especially if you already have kidney problems.14 But, plant foods are naturally low in phosphorus and more alkaline. This balances things out and helps your kidneys work better.15

Metric Plant-Based Diet Non-Plant-Based Diet
Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease 23% lower15
Risk of Metabolic Syndrome 30% lower15
Risk of Coronary Heart Disease 32% lower15
Decline in Kidney Function 14% lower15
Weight Loss 4.5 kg average15
Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes 34% lower15

Environmental Benefits of Plant-Based Eating

A plant-based diet is good for your health and the planet. It helps reduce the harm from raising animals on a large scale. This includes lessening greenhouse gases, saving water, and using land better.

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A study in the Lancet showed switching to plant foods has many benefits.16 This change is good for people’s health and for the Earth. Plant foods make less harm to the environment, lessening greenhouse gases a lot.

Water Conservation and Land Use

Plant foods help save water and use land more wisely. Moreso, making meat and dairy uses up a lot more water and land.16 Choosing plants over animals can ease the stress on the environment.

Going plant-based is key in fighting our planet’s big environmental issues. Plus, it’s healthy for us. Studies show big benefits for the environment by eating this way. It’s a great step towards a greener, more sustainable world.


What is a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet focuses mainly on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. It’s about eating food that comes directly from plants, exactly as they are.

What are the key benefits of following a plant-based diet?

Following this diet can lower your risk of heart diseases. It keeps your weight in check and helps prevent diabetes.

It also reduces the chances of getting cancer. Plus, it’s good for the planet, which is an extra bonus.

How can a plant-based diet reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?

A plant diet helps by reducing your blood pressure and improving your cholesterol. It also cuts down on inflammation, making your heart healthier.

Can a plant-based diet help with weight management and obesity prevention?

Absolutely, eating this way usually means you weigh less. People also feel more satisfied after meals, which helps keep obesity at bay.

How can a plant-based diet impact diabetes prevention and management?

This diet is great for keeping diabetes in check. It lowers insulin resistance, which is key in managing type 2 diabetes.

How can a plant-based diet help reduce cancer risk?

Plants are full of antioxidants and phytochemicals. These can shield us from some cancers by reducing our exposure to harmful compounds.

How does a plant-based diet promote a healthy gut microbiome?

Plant foods are rich in fiber and phytochemicals. This supports a varied and healthy gut environment. A good gut is crucial for overall health.

What are the environmental benefits of following a plant-based diet?

Choosing plants over animal products is kind to the Earth. It cuts down on greenhouse gases, uses less land, and saves water.

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